T is for Thracians

Published April 29, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

The Thracians inhabited much of central and southeastern Europe. They were a series of tribes, with the mountainous people being wilder than their low lying neighbors.  In the Trojan war, they fought alongside the Trojans.

In the 5th century BCE, the Thracian tribes were united under king Teres. He formed the Odrysian kingdom, which is in modern day Bulgaria.

Their contemporaries saw them as barbaric, namely the Greeks and Romans, who seem to have seen everyone other than themselves as savage. Herodotus writes that “they sell their children and let their maidens commerce with whatever men they please.” They are also described as having red hair.

The Dii, a Thracian tribe, were extremely vicious, and committed terrible savageries in the Peloponnesian War. They killed every single man, woman, child, and dog in the cities they fought against, and would impale the heads of Romans on their spears.

Spartacus, the leader of the Third Servile War against the Romans, was Thracian.

Book recommendations for reading challenges:

Fantasy                                                                                                                   Sci-fi

One comment on “T is for Thracians

  • Ah, yes, I teach a segment on Aristophanes’ comedies in my lit class. And in his play BIRDS, the Thracians are mentioned as savage tribes (and more than a bit crazy). BTW, I have enjoyed your A to Z posts so much that I mention your blog in my Z post (about Elizabethan curse words!). Come take a look.

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