Writing Advice

All posts in the Writing Advice category

Eating Good in the Neighborhood (or not)

Published May 3, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

Ah, the cultivation of food. What would we be without it?

I don’t even want to think about it. Please don’t make me. *Whimpers in corner, clutching coffee* My Preciousss. It is minesss. Mines by rightses! *pets*

Ahem. Right. Where was I?

Agriculture is a huge part of society, because you know, it deals with food and how we get it. In fact, I would say it is the most important part of civilization.

There are many theories as to why we started to grow delicious food crops, which is likely due to our inherent laziness*, but I’m not going to get into that. I’m not even going to talk about the cultural, environmental, and societal impacts agriculture has had on us. I’m going to talk about how it pertains to you. Or more specifically your book. Or even more specifically, your characters.

In every fictional society, whether one set in Ancient Egypt or a futuristic colony on Pluto, your characters need to eat. And the food they eat will vary depending on where (and when) they are. For instance, in your futuristic Plutonian colony, why do they eat the foods they do? Why does one crop grow better than another? Is it the mineral and PH make-up of the soil, the accessibility of water, the hardiness of the plant? Have they been genetically modified to survive in the alien environment?

Not only that, but how do they cultivate their food? Is it in above ground greenhouses with special glass to absorb the weak sunlight, or are they underground with artificial lamps? Why did they choose to do it one way over the other. Weather, environment, and technology play a huge role in deciding these questions.

If you are writing historical fiction, you should consider not only what they had, but what they didn’t have. If your story takes place during the Tang Dynasty, obviously your characters will not be eating chocolate, because you know, they didn’t have it. Also, chocolate was originally a drink served frothy and delicious. MMM, chocolate…

Anyways, food. It’s important. And so isn’t how your characters get it.

*Purely unscientific assumption


H is for Huns

Published April 19, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

I’m back! Kinda.

To catch up, I’m going to do two posts a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Yay, double me!

So, the Huns. The Huns were a nomadic people in the 4th through the 6th centuries. Not much is known about where they came from, as there are many conflicting theories. Some scholars believe they orginated on Mongolia, others from around Turkey or Russia. The general consenus is that they were a nomadic confederacy comprised of many cultures.

The Huns practiced artifical cranial deformation, which is as terrible as it sounds. It’s similar to Chinese foot binding, where an infants head would be reformed by applying pressure. The heads were either rounded (Coneheads!) or flattened using pieces of wood or a cloth.

The Huns would also scar a child’s face to prevent facial hair in adulthood to impress the ladies. I don’t know if they actually did it for that reason, but why else would you inflict bodily harm to change your appearance, if it wasn’t to impress someone? I probably just opened up a moral can of worms…

Anyways, Attila the Hun originally ruled alongside his brother, Bleda. However, they each controlled their own territories. Together, they were bloodthirsty and ambitious, forcing the Romans into signing a treaty in which the Romans would allow the Huns to trade in addition to giving them annual tributes. When the Romans failed to pay tribute, the Huns attacked, and decimated the already weakened Roman Empire. And again, when the Romans failed to pay up for a second time. After Bleda’s death, the Hunnic empire was unified under Attila, but fell apart after his death.

Some theorize that they were one of the causes of the fall of Rome. Other sources credit the Germanic tribes. It was probably a bunch of unrelated factors.

Book for reading challenges:

   Fantasy                                                                                            Sci-fi

G is for Greeks

Published April 7, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

Ah, the Greeks. Such a long, tumultuous history. From their epic battles, larger than life heroes, and moody gods, they made sure they would be remembered for a long time to come.

The early Mycenaean Greeks of the bronze age were greatly influenced by the Minoans of Crete, and actually thank their rise to the fall of the Minoans. Bronze age Greece were divided up into city-states such as Mycenae, Sparta, Ithaca, Thebes, and Pylos. the Mycenaeans were ruled by a warrior aristocracy, and benefited through conquest.

Sculpture of Poseidon in Copenhagen, Denmark

There were several major gods in the Greek pantheon, and like the Mesopotamians, the gods were often associated with certain cities, even foreign ones, like Poseidon with Troy. However, the Greeks believed that the world was created by Chaos, who eventually gave birth to the primordial gods, who eventually gave birth to the titans, then the Olympian Gods.

Psyche crossing the river Styx

The Greeks believed in an underworld called Hades, named after the god who ruled it. They thought that if a funeral was never performed, a person’s spirit would never reach it, and would remain a ghost forever. the underworld was guarded by a three-headed dog named Cerberus, and souls had to cross the river Styx. Later Greeks believed in Tartarus, where the dammed went, and Elysium, where heroes (like Achilles and Ganymede resided) too.

Nymphs finding the head of Orpheus by John William Waterhouse

One of my favorite tales is that of Orpheus and Eurydice. At their wedding, Eurydice went for a walk and was chased by a satyr. When she tried to escape, she fell into a nest of vipers and was bit. Orpheus discovered her body, and overcome with grief, traveled to the underworld and begged them to return his wife and played such sweet, sad music that it softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone. They agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth only if  he walked in front of her and not look back until they both had reached the upper world. However, in his anxiety, as soon as he reached the upper world, he turned to look at her, but she had not crossed over into the upper world yet, and she vanished for the second time.

During the Greco-Persian wars, the Spartans came to the aid of the Athenians, in one of the most famous moments in history, when king Leonidas held off the Persian army with only 300 men (it was more like a couple thousand) at the battle of Thermopylae. However, less than twenty years later, the Spartans and Athenians fought against each other in the Peloponnesian War. the people of the Peloponnese were fearful of Athens growing power.

Alexander the Great managed to conquer much of the East, and accomplished what many great men before him had failed, he overthrew the Persians. Alexander was also responsible for the spread of the Greek language.

Greek, Greek, it rhymes with meek. But meek they were not.

More on Alexander the Great from John Green:

Book recommendations for reading challenges:

Fantasy                                                                                                            Sci-fi

E is for Egypt

Published April 5, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

The Egyptians are known for the impressive buildings, and of course, their elaborate burial practices. The Egyptians took such great care of the deceased because they believed it was necessary to insure immortality in the afterlife. After mummification, they were buried, sometimes in elaborate tombs, with everything they thought they would need in the afterlife (which was basically everything they owned in life. Yes, even their pets) Of course, these practices were only available to the elite.

Pharaohs (and some nobility) practiced polygamy and incest, often marrying their sisters, and sometimes their step-mothers (as is the case with Hatshepsut and Thutmose III). And, like The Celts, The women were treated as equals, and could rise to positions of power (although it wasn’t common).

There have been women to become Pharaohs, like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra VI. After 30 years of reign, a Pharaoh celebrated the Sed Festival, which celebrated their continued reign. The festival would be held every 3 years afterwards. Notable exceptions were Hatshepsut, who celebrated hers after only 16 years on the throne. Many scholars speculate she counted her years as co-ruler with her husband. Pharaohs who followed the typical tradition, but did not reign 30 years were promised a “millions of jubilees” in the afterlife.

One of Akenhaten's wives, Nefertiti

In the 14t century, Amenhotep IV, who later changed his name to Akhenaten, turned Egyptian religion on its head, when he converted to monotheism, and worshiped Aten, a sun deity. This was so blasphemous, that when he died, his successors tried to wipe him from history. Akhenaten was the father of Tutankhamun.

Ramses II is perhaps the most famous Pharaoh in Egyptian history. He was said to have celebrated more Sed festivals than any other Pharaoh. He led many campaigns for expansion, including the battle of Kadesh against the Hittites, and later signed a peace treaty with them and married a Hittite woman. Legends say he lived to 99 years, but he probably only lived to be 91 or  92.

Egyptian gods were depicted with animalistic qualities. For instance, Anubis (god of mummification and the afterlife) was depicted with the head of a jackal, and Ra (the sun god) had the head of a falcon.


It was said that the breath of the warrior goddess, Sekhmet created the desert, and she has such fierce names as the (One) Before Whom Evil Trembles, the Mistress of Dread, and the Lady of Slaughter. Sekhmet was born when Ra, the sun god, created her from a fiery eye to destroy mortals of Lower Egypt who turned against him. However, Sekhmet’s blood-lust could not be sated and she went on a rampage to destroy all of humanity. Ra had to trick her by turning the Nile into red wine that looked like blood, and when she drank it, she got so drunk that she gave up the slaughter. This myth explained why the Nile turned red every year when it became inundated.

And lastly, because John Green says it better…

Book recommendations for reading challenges:

Fantasy                                                                                                    Sci-fi

B is for Babylon

Published April 2, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

Babylon was an ancient Akkadian city-state in Mesopotamia. It is famous for 2 things, the Hanging Gardens, and the place where Alexander the Great died.

Throughout it’s history, Babylon has been has conquered by the Hittites, Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, and Arabs.


What is the capital of Assyria?


Like other ancient cultures, Babylon had a patron god that protected them. The Babylonian god was Marduk, god of magic, water, judgement, and vegetation (Also, he had a dragon). It is said that Marduk has 50 names (Take that John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt). He also had quite a fantastical history. As a young god, he answered the call to end the civil war between the Anunnaki gods after being promised the position of head god. First, he challenged the leader of the Anunnaki, the dragon Tiamat, to single combat and defeated her. After her, he defeated Kingu, and took control of the Tablets of Destiny.

The Hanging Gardens are fascinating because they may or may not have existed. And because the sheer improbability of them (maybe the Heart of Gold was in the area?). It was said to takes 8,200 of gallons a day to keep up, and while the city was situated between the Euphrates and the Tigris, that is still a lot of water. King Nebuchadnezzar II purportedly built them to please his homesick wife Amytis of Media. Despite their dubious existence, they make a great inspiration for a city… hint hint

Book recommendations for reading challenges:

    Fantasy                                                                                                               Sci-fi

A is for Aztecs

Published April 1, 2012 by caitlinnicoll

Mesoamericans believed the gods would only provide for them if they were nourished by humans.

the braver the captive, the better the sacrifice. William Wallace would have counted for at least 3 men

There were many ways the Aztecs appeased their gods (and there were hundreds of them), but the most common way was by paying a blood debt, which they believed they owed to the gods. This was achieved by ritual blood-letting, piercing, animal sacrifice, and human sacrifice. The Aztecs (and other Mesoamerican cultures) were not the only cultures who have performed human sacrifices (In some sources, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to appease Artemis), but they were perhaps the most prolific.

They believed that if they did not feed their sun god, Huitzilopochtl, human hearts, then the sun would not rise. They sacrificed to avoid destruction.


The Aztecs did not have a formal military, but every able boy was trained to fight. They learned how to fight in school and were considered men after they had taken their first prisoner.

War time was a happy time for the Aztecs. Warriors were able to prove their strength and courage. Their costumes were designed to illicit fear among their enemies and tribes they intended to conquer, and the more important the warrior, the more elaborate his costume.

Their chief weapon was surprise and fear. Wait, their two chief weapons were surprise, fear, and ruthless efficiency. Their three… oh bloody hell.  Anyways, other than being forced to pay a tribute, the conquered subjects had relative freedom.

Like Egyptian Pharaohs their emperor, the Huey Tlatcani (Great Speaker) was worshiped as a god.

Individual families did not own land, but shared it with a group of families called a Calpulli. The leader of this group was responsible for their basic needs.

The nobility and priesthood held a lot of power, but were not always in a position of power. In cities, the heads of the Calpulli formed a council, and within it, four members would form an executive council. One of these members would be the Tlatcani (not to be confused with the Huey Tlatcani), or leader of the city.

The Aztecs used chocolate as currency.

Perhaps the most important fact of the day.

And then this happened… Sorta

Book recommendations for reading challenges:

                 Sci-fi                                                                                                Fantasy


A Lesson in Euphemisms

Published November 16, 2011 by caitlinnicoll

So, it’s been a few days. I’ve been busy NaNo-ing and editing, and you know, procrastinating.

I have a new look. I’m not sure how I like. We’ll see how it goes.

So, to save all our time (since I’m sure you’d rather be upping your word count too), here is a video, illustrating example of how to use euphemisms from some of the greatest minds in the 20th century.


Also, if you’re feeling week 2 blues, and your wip is starting to give you massive headaches, and look like a bunch of random gibberish, here is an inspiring song to remind you that it could be worse. MUCH worse.



You’re welcome. Now, get back to work!

Nano Day 6: Extra Word Paddage

Published November 6, 2011 by caitlinnicoll

My NaNo advice to you to today is simple: For the most Effective word paddage, give all you characters really long names. I’m not saying names like Triglaananonneski, or Wiewbbjixlinsdandsommnavichowitch. I mean names like John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, or the prince from the Rodgers and Hammerstein version of Cinderella who had like fifty names or something like that. And have everyone in your book refer to them that way. No Nicknames in your NaNo draft!

“Hey, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schimdt, I want a name like you!”

“Well, Christopher Edward James Sydney Michael, I think you’re name is pretty swell too!”

Ok, I know that dialogue is terrible, but hey, it’s early and I was up late. I need coffee.

You could also give them long and winding nicknames, if that’s most your style. Like Voldemort for instance, he has the long nickname of He Who Must Not Be Named. There, instead of using simply Voldemort, you have added an extra 5words for every time his name is said.Which, doing completely made up and extremely complicated mathematical equations, added 6 pages to each HP book (10 to Deathly Hallows. It was a really long book).

And don’t let it stop with your characters. Give all your nouns impossibly long titles, like The Room In Which We Sit Down To Eat Delicious Food, or The Place That We Do Not Go Because It Is Scary.

It’s tedious writing, by your word count will thank you later.

Also, don’t forget to enter the character sketch giveaway. There are still 3 days left, but hurry! Here are the bookmarks, all finished and prettied up:

And the back

A Tale As Old As Time

Published October 11, 2011 by caitlinnicoll

Recently, I was talking with my family about something (can’t quite remember what it was), and the show True Blood came up. My two cousins groaned—they were sick of the proliferation of vampires in our entertainment. My response was to shake my head. Oh, how ignorant of vampire lore and legend they were. But in a way, they were right. Everywhere you turn, there are books, movies, TV shows, and music about the blood-sucking creatures. Perhaps it is oversaturation–but, really vampires are nothing new. And why shouldn’t they continue to be popular decade after decade, generation after generation? After all, vampire legend and lore is as old as civilization.


While the term vampire has only been around since the 18th century, the first know mention of vampires, or bloodsuckers were found in Sumerian texts that date back nearly 6000 years. Since then, tales of blood drinkers have cropped up on every continent, in every civilization (with exception to Japan and the Native North Americans). Whether they were demons of China and India, twisted gods of Greece, fearsome serpents of South America, ghosts and the undead of Eastern Europe, vampires have been the nightmares of humanity for as long as humanity can remember.

In the dawn of pre-history, vampires took the form of malevolent gods and demons. In Mesopotamian mythology, there was Lamashtu, a female demon who terrorized pregnant women and stole children to feed on their blood. There is also Rabisu, a demon that lurked in doorways, and dark corners, just waiting to attack people. The Babylonians had Lilitu, who gave rise to the Hebrew Lilith.

In ancient Greece, these demons took the form of beautiful women and goddesses, who much like a Succubus, would prey upon young men and children. There was Empusa, the daughter of Hecate, who seduced young men in their sleep, then feasted on their blood and flesh. Or, Lamia, a Syrian queen turned demon that went after children.

In China, the blood sucking creatures were more zombie-like. They were stinking, putrid corpses that stalked the dark corners of your consciousness just waiting to feast upon you. They were called the Jiang Shi.

Again female monsters crop up in Southern Asia. Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia was riddled with these creatures. In the Philippines, there was the mandurugo, a being that appears as a pretty girl by day, and by night reverts to a fearsome beast. The Langsuir in Malaysia was a woman who died in childbirth, and then reanimated to seek revenge upon the villagers. They also had the Penanggala, a pretty gruesome creature that either appeared as a pretty girl or an old woman. But the scariest part of this demonic being was that it was able to detach its fanged head, which would then fly around in search of blood, usually from pregnant women.

In India, they took the form of demons and frightening gods full of blood lust. Vetalas were ghouls that inhabited corpses, and then terrorized the living. Alternatively, they were also used to protect towns. There is also the tale of a little girl who would descend the mountains and prey upon the citizens of the surrounding towns (dibs on that story). The goddess Kali even had vampiric tendencies.

The Ashanti people of Western Africa have the tree-dwelling asanbosam, and in Madagascar, there is the ramanga, a living vampire that roams the countryside in search of victims.

The Aztecs had the Cihuateteo, a lusty skeletal-faced creature that had died in childbirth. In Chile, the Mapuche people were terrorized by the Peuchen, a blood-sucking serpent.

Fast forward to the Middle Ages, and the blood-sucking creatures had migrated to most parts of Europe. In Western Europe, they were ghastly corpses risen from the grave to prey upon the innocent souls of the living. These beings are closer to the vampire we know and love today. The Romanians had the Moroi and strigoi. The moroi were phantoms, while the strigoi could be either living or dead. Modern Greece has the vyrkolakas. In Scotland, there were the Baobhan sith, in Ireland the Dearg-due, the Lhiannan Shee of the Isle of Man, and revenants of England.

These creatures were bringers of death, things to be feared, reviled, and avoided at all costs. Some were beautiful, others so hideous, their countenances said to cause rivers to boil. Vampires have the amazing ability to shape-shift. They are molded to the fears and superstitions of the cultures they haunted. In ancient times, where primordial gods were unforgiving, vampires were demons. In the tumultuous religious environment of Western Europe during the middles ages, is it any wonder that vampires became walking corpses of the impure wrong-doers that terrorized and hauted the living? Should it be any surprise now in our own uncertain times that vampires take the form of attractive men and women who fall in love with us just as often as they eat us?

I don’t think so. While once they were tales to frighten children, they are now cautionary tales to our teens of the pain and heartbreak of love. As you can see, vampires have been associated with sex since ancient times. In Medieval Europe, where Christianity reigned, and a pious living was encouraged, they were the epitome of impure thoughts, of lascivious behaviour that was sure to send you straight to the fiery pits of hell. Attractive vampires are nothing new. They just happen to be what’s popular right now.

Note: In conducting my research, I also noticed that most vampiric demons and gods were female. Very interesting. Then again, maybe not. In Minoan and Mycenaean cultures of the Bronze age, women were worshipped in revered more often than men. On frescoes and pottery, women were depicted as larger-than-life, while men were insignificant, barely noticeable next to their female counterparts.

Tomorrow, I will discuss the many ways to combat these blood-sucking fiends. Mwahaha!

Uping the nerd quotient

Published July 14, 2011 by caitlinnicoll

Mcgeek. Changing the way we perceive geeks everywhere.

Nerd: an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit.

Recently, my boss’s 9 year old daughter and niece, who I shall call Hurricane and Tsunami, made me and my co-workers take the “kid” test. Basically, it was a bunch of which would you rather questions. For example, would you rather be a nerd and make lots of money or be in a band (they’re smart enough to know musicians don’t make any money)?

I, of course chose the former. And got it wrong. Whatever, the test was highly biased anyways. They neglected to tell us that we were supposed to choose what they would rather do.

Historically, geeks and nerds get a pretty bad rap. They are the uber-intelligent kids who have zero fashion sense. Often considered ugly, feeble and sometimes contradictorily, stupid. However, in recent years, there has been a subtle shift in the way nerds and geeks are perceived.  Geek-chic is now popular among the stars. Nerdfighteria is making its way from underground to mainstream. Being nerdy is no longer something to be ashamed of.

The Doctor, proving once and for all that bow ties are cool

I’m a mix of both, or a neek as Brenda (Dios4vida for you Bransforumers) so eloquently put it. I can hold an entire conversation in Princess Bride quotes. I spend more time with my head stuck in a book than conversing with people. I’m obsessed with history, draw fan-art like it’s nobody’s business, read manga, own a collection of antique katanas, and prefer SYFY over MTV. But I don’t look like your typical “nerd”. Most people don’t realize just how nerdy I am until they’ve spent some time with me. Basically, I’m a covert nerd.

Everyone has an obsessive knowledge of something. Whether it’s the love lives of current celebrities, who sang what on American Idol, every player on their favorite sports team in the last 50 years, the latest runway fashions, fluency in Quenyan, the rules of D&D, the history of the typewriter, or the ability to quote the entire Star War series word for word. Some like to dress up to go to the Harry Potter premier, others to a showing of Serenity, others yet prefer to dress up in period clothing and re-enact the battle of Gettysburg.

I guess what I trying to say in a long and round-about way is why not take your character building a step further, and give your characters a passion, an obsession about something other than their love interest? For instance, what would motivate your character to dress up in a costume and stand in line outside of a bookstore at midnight? What do they have an expansive knowledge of? Do they randomly quote things? Do they know the capitol of Assyria off the top of their head? How about the first 20 digits of pi?

And if your book takes place in a made up world, it is no excuse not to up the nerd quotient. You’ll just have to get a little creative. Take Hermione for example. Total know-it-all book nerd. She can recite passages from Hogwarts: A History (which is a good thing too, considering Harry and Ron never seem to actually read it themselves). If your character is living in a made up world, give your characters a made up book to love. Or maybe an encyclopedic knowledge of 500 year old weaponry, or the names of  every species of butterfly or were-whatever in their made-up universe is more their nerd style.

Give your characters something to fangirl/boy over. Because everyone is a little bit of a nerd on the inside.

What brings out your inner nerd?